Is Your Veterinarian Taking Short-Cuts That Put Your Pet At Risk?

An attentive pet owner can be sure that they are receiving the best health care for their pet by understanding the best practices in veterinary medicine and ensuring that their pet's doctor is following them. As a Veterinarian and owner of a busy animal hospital in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, I've noticed that many doctors have been taking short cuts and putting innocent pets at risk. Ask yourself the following questions about your current veterinarian, and make sure that your own pet is not at risk.

Does Your Veterinarian Use An Individual Record For Each Patient?

If you are the owner of multiple pets, it is important to be sure that each pet has its own medical record. Lumping all the pets together on one chart is considered to be a substandard practice and this shortcut can lead to confusion, putting all of your pets at risk.

A proper record of the health and history of each of your pets needs to be clearly noted on a chart which is dedicated to that pet only. Only by tracking each pet individually can the veterinarian and the support staff be certain that all of the data on the record applies to that pet and that pet only. Remember that you have a right to view and obtain a copy of your pet's medical record. A reputable veterinarian will not hesitate to share that information with you. However, please keep in mind that many Veterinary offices will charge a small fee for this. Florida law allows Veterinarians to charge a service fee for a duplication of your pet's records.

Does Your Veterinarian Use Individual Vaccine Bottles?

Vaccines are available to veterinarians in either 'individual single-dose bottles' or 'large economy size tanks'. The single-dose bottles will cost the veterinarian a little more, but these bottles offer a safer, better controlled dosage and a good vet will opt for the single-dose vaccines.

Usage of the large economy-size tanks indicates a preference on the part of the veterinarian to put profit ahead of the health of your pet. There are several reasons that a conscientious veterinarian will only use the single-dose bottles. Firstly, the single dose vials lessen the chance of `technician error'. Multi-dose tanks require the support staff to measure out the exact dosage for each patient. A slight human error in measurement could result in your pet receiving too much or too little of the vaccine. Using a single dose vial eliminates the risk of human error.

Single dose rabies vaccines are also an essential record keeping tool. Each single-dose vaccine will come with a removable label which contains a vaccine serial number and LOT Number. In the event of a vaccine reaction, the veterinarian is able to quickly retrieve the vaccine data and properly communicate with the manufacturer.

Lastly, the presence of an individual serial number from a single-dose vaccine is the best way for you to know that your pet actually received the vaccine. While rare, there have been cases where unscrupulous veterinarians have watered down vaccines in order to increase profit margins. This would not be possible with the single dose vaccines, as each sticker must match up with a separate patient.

Does Your Veterinarian Care About Your Education?

Remember that a good veterinarian will care as much about you as an informed owner as he cares about your pets. He should provide you with the information and resources that you need to take the best possible care of your animals. Helping you to educate yourself about the needs of your pet is an important component of complete veterinary care.

After assessing your pet's health, a good veterinarian will send you home with informative handouts that explain your pet's condition and the proper course of treatment. Most veterinarians will also have educational videos and resources available for clients to review at no cost. Before selecting a veterinarian, take a look at his website. Are links to free resources being offered? Does the vet offer any type of client support? A well-rounded veterinary practice takes the education of its clients seriously. If this component is lacking, it may indicate that providing you with useful educational tools to help you care for your pet is not a priority. This is the sign of a substandard veterinary practice.

Dr. Borrego of Animal General Hospital is a Port Saint Lucie Veterinarian with your pet's interest in mind. If you are a pet owner in Port Saint Lucie, you should bring your pets to Animal General Hospital.

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